小公举(소공여) 2

올들어 가장 추운 날씨다.
영하 18도를 기웃거리더니 오후가 되었는데도 나아질 기미가 안보인다.
추울 땐 뜨거운 이미지라도 봐주는 게 어떨까.

It is the coldest weather this year.
Even though it is the afternoon, it seems that there is no sign of getting better.
Why do not you take a look at hot images in cold weather.

hot Chinese girl
source: mtl.ttsqgs.com/images/img/11458/32.jpg

hot Chinese glamour
source: mtl.ttsqgs.com/images/img/11458/46.jpg

source from : https://image.xwbar.com/uploads/allimg/2018/11/22/1-1Q122103G8.jpg
source from : https://image.xwbar.com/uploads/allimg/2018/11/22/1-1Q122103I5.jpg
source from : https://image.xwbar.com/uploads/allimg/2018/11/22/1-1Q122103K3.jpg
source from : https://image.xwbar.com/uploads/allimg/2018/11/22/1-1Q122103S5.jpg
source from : https://image.xwbar.com/uploads/allimg/2018/11/22/1-1Q122103921.jpg