
beautiful & gorgeous Chinese glamour
source: i.situmei.com/a/1/17664/26.jpg

내 취향의 여인네다.
순수와 청순 그리고 뇌새적인 아름다움을 갖춘데다 훌륭한 볼륨감도 잃지 않은 ‘엄지 척’이 아닐 수 없다.
주말 기분을 한층 더 멋지게 만들어준다.

It is a woman of my taste.
It is pure and clean, and has a thunderbolt beauty, and it is a ‘the best’ that does not lose its great volume.
It makes weekend feeling even more wonderful.

beautiful & gorgeous Chinese glamour
source: i.situmei.com/a/1/17664/27.jpg

beautiful & gorgeous Chinese glamour
source: i.situmei.com/a/1/17664/29.jpg

beautiful & gorgeous Chinese glamour
source: i.hywly.com/a/1/17636/32.jpg

beautiful & gorgeous Chinese glamour
source: i.hywly.com/a/1/17636/33.jpg