Korean girl

아, 모든 길은 ‘흉부’로 통한다. 물론 갠적인 궤변에 불과하지만 완전 틀린 말은 아니다. 적어도 나처럼 가슴에 집착하는 분들이 적지 않을 테니까. 그래서 사진 몇 장 준비했다.
이분이 산 증인이니까.

Oh, all the roads lead to ‘chest’. Of course, this is just my personal speculation, but it’s not completely wrong. At least, there must be quite a few people who are obsessed with their chests like me. That’s why I prepared a few pictures. This person is a living witness.

Korean girl - Ji Seong
source: static-ca-cdn.eporner.com/photos/493778.jpg

Korean girl - Ji Seong
source: p.vxotu.com/u/20171117/21024676.jpg

Korean lady - Ji Seong
source: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e7/67/ca/e767cae5d5aefc13679921ae6eccd4ac.jpg

Korean lady
source: lh4.googleusercontent.com/-b8S2eTqrhwg/WkChvvon7sI/AAAAAAABS6o/oLrzwhuKe9k1szuIWv4_xeUz5ZSDpn0hwCLcBGAs/s3200/Ji-Seong—035.jpg